Saturday, October 1, 2016

What the FORK are you throwing away? How you CAN end hunger by EATING UGLY.

CANstruction is an annual competition in which participants create large structures out of canned food. The purpose of the contest is help end world hunger. Winners are announced and after a brief exhibit of the structures, all the cans are donated to local food banks.

For this year’s CANstruction competition, Environ’s Vice President Willetta McCulloh came up with a concept that promotes a simple message: “EAT UGLY.”

Her inspiration was an article by National Geographic in which the statistics of food waste were astounding:

Nearly 800 million people suffer from hunger.

46% of fruits and vegetables never make it from farm to fork.

According to the largest grower of mandarins in Peru, 30% of his crop won’t be exported because it won’t be the right size, color, or sweetness, or it might have blemishes or scars.